Our Journey

...an open letter from the founder
About a year ago, meta was created.
Initially, I was really caught up on plastic pollution and wanted meta to be all about eliminating micro-plastics in our waterways and ghost nets from our oceans. Being a passionate diver, it was a no-brainer to tie that into my brand. However, with time, and the ups and downs of this journey called life, a more holistic purpose was found for meta Living.
meta isn’t just a brand; it is the embodiment of my own learnings over the past few years in order to have a happier and meaningful life. I have tried to imbue practices from my own life lessons into the craft process and purpose of each product. Lessons such as how I coped with my own paralysing insecurities, uncertainty and self-doubt. I was able to turn my mindset around by allowing myself to turn inwards to reflect and process my own thoughts and emotions and give myself the respect I deserved, from myself.
I truly believe that the key to living a more sustainable lifestyle is to slow down, which is meta's and my own ethos. Every product we craft here at meta is made with conscious thought and care, and used personally too. Plastic pollution hasn’t been forgotten and is a core value that is intertwined with my crafts. Crafting these products brings me true joy and purpose and I hope when you use each product, it is a reminder to slow down, care for yourself and our planet, too.
Thus through meta, I would like to share with you my own processes of finding balance and calm in this hectic and multi-faceted world. Ultimately, once we start to look after ourselves, our care and love will spill over to our surroundings - to the people and the environment around us.
In this beautifully chaotic world that we live in, I hope I can inspire others to find calm and happy balance between their busy lives and pockets of moments for themselves.
Enjoy this journey, be patient and take small steps, learn and love.
Aroha nui,